Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Announce Community Transformation Grant Awards
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced grantees of some funds in the "Community Transformation Grant" program earlier this week. A total of $103 million was given to 61 grantees including state, local, and tribal governments. Grantees are tasked with addressing 1) tobacco-free living; 2) active living and healthy eating; and 3) evidence-based quality clinical and other preventive services, specifically prevention and control of high blood pressure and high cholesterol in their communities. A total of $900 million was authorized for the Community Transformation Grant program by the Affordable Care Act. This program is designed to build capacity for community prevention efforts and improve health and wellness capacities. Under statute, twenty percent of the Community Transformation Grant funds are to be allocated to rural and frontier areas. Information about the grantees, projects, and Community Transformation Grant Program, click here.