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Med students have new resource in rural residency

Are you – or do you know – a medical student interested in rural medicine? At www.traindocsrural.org you’ll find:
  • Residency training options
  • An overview of rural residency and practice
  • Contact information for physicians and residents practicing in rural areas
  • Links to financial support and incentive programs
“Medical students have been requesting a resource like this for some time, with a focus on their needs,” said Randall Longenecker, MD, Rural Training Track Technical Assistance Program (RTT-TAP) project director. “For them, it helps take some of the mystery and stress out of finding a rural residency.” Created through a cooperative agreement between the National Rural Health Association and the federal Office of Rural Health Policy, RTT-TAP is a consortium of 25 rural residency programs tapping rural expertise to help sustain and grow RTT programs as a national strategy in training physicians for rural practice. RTT-TAP and the Rural Assistance Center at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences collaborated to develop the new site.

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