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Senators Introduce Resolution on Importance of Rural Health Care

Senators Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) introduced S.R. 26 on Tuesday, January 5th during the Rural Health Policy Institute recognizing the important contributions rural hospitals and providers make to their communities.  The Resolution, which was referred to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, points out what NRHA has long said—that the critical care given by rural health care providers and the economic contribution of rural hospitals, doctors, and clinics are vital to the strength and viability of rural communities. The Resolution also recognizes what NRHA members already know, that the inherent challenges that rural providers face are different than their urban and suburban counterparts and require different policies to overcome. The Resolution calls on the Senate to recognize these challenges and support the needs of rural patients and providers when crafting legislation. S.R. 26 is an important recognition of what NRHA has long advocated for, the need to support the rural health care safety net. The release of the Resolution during the Rural Health Policy Institute gave grassroots advocates the opportunity to rally support and encourage their Senators to cosponsor this important legislation. It is important to continue to garner support for this Resolution today.  Please call your SENATORS today and ask them to cosponsor this S.R. 26. You can read the entirety of the resolution here. You can read more about the Rural Health Policy Institute on this blog.

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