Give your members of Congress homework over summer recess
Lawmakers will be in their districts and traveling their states while Congress is in recess from Aug. 6 to Sept. 7. Remind them to act now, before the Medicare Dependent Hospital (MDH) and Low Volume Hospital (LVH) provisions will expire, causing rural hospitals to lose millions of dollars resulting in layoffs, reduced wages, economic loss, reduced service, or worse, closings. Call, Tweet and Facebook your members of Congress, and tell them to cosponsor S. 2620 and H.R. 5943, the Rural Hospital Access Act of 2012. Make sure your voice is heard by staying connected with your senators and representatives online and at town halls during the August recess. Invite them to tour your facility. Share what the MDH and LVH designations mean to your hospital, your community and your local economy with Congress. Visit NRHA’s March for Rural Hospital Action Kit for talking points, MDH and LVH fact sheets, and to view the latest cosponsors of the Rural Hospital Access Act.